Tuesday, May 31, 2011

AGP Factory Gurls

I jump into the pool, making a splash. I had gone to the beach with Ruthie and some of her friends which I had learned are named Madeline, Rachel and Christine.
"Becki, can you do a back flip?" yelled Ruthie,
I watched Ruthie make a back flip into the water. I wasn't about to embarass myself by saying that I didn't,
"Ummm, well, I don't get to really practice it too often!" I yelled back, trying to find a way out.
"Try it anyway," said the red headed Christine,
I stuttered for a long time. I can do the back flip and harm myself or I don't have to do it and admit I lied that I do know how to do it.
"Well, see, I don't exactly remember, and stuff." I say instead,
"That's okay, maybe next time," said the Rachel. Her naturally curly hair was put into two cute ponytails.
I had learned that the girls i was hanging out with were sort of the "It" girls. Christine is a natural red head. She has long legs and is very pale. Her eyes are an icy blue and she always wears outfits that go a little over the top. Rachel was short, with brown curly hair that was a medium length. She was tan and had the prettiest brown eyes which looked like hersheys chocolate bars. She always wore shorts of some sort and never a dress or skirt. Madeline was an average height with blonde hair which was layered. She had blue eyes and resembled the My American Girl #39. She loved dresses and skirts. She almost never wore pants she was so in love with skirts. She was a total girly girl but I had learned that she has some of the highest grades at the AGF Academy (which is opened from September until the end of May.) Ruthie was like the alpha. Her dark brown curls were also put into two ponytails and her bikini looked as if she just stepped out of a swimsuit catalouge.
"BECKI!" I heard Ruthie scream, :WATCH OUT!"
I turned around to see giant waves. I fell onto the pool floor and quickly came up, gasping for air,
'Are you okay?" asked Rachel, who looked even more tan than she usually does,
I felt my nose bleeding and wanted to cry out in pain.
"I....Uh...." I stuttered, trying to get some words out but not able too.
"I'll go get someone." said Christine, running out of the water and getting some lifeguard.
"I'm sorry dude," said some voice.
"You could have watched were you were going," said Madeline, in her usually bossy girly voice,
"Yeah Tony, this isn't some football field where you can tackle everyone," chipped in Ruthie.
I tried to see who Ruthie and Madeline were talking too but the lifeguard came and made me get out.
Hmmmmmm, is it worth wondering?

~just Becki
not famous,not known

Monday, May 30, 2011

Summer Days

I blew my hair out of my face. The sun was going on down but it was still super hot. Yes, you must have guessed that I am not in the American Girl Place anymore. I had decided to hitch a ride to the factory and I regretted it already. Here, you are more free but I won't know who might buy me. I also have made many enemies. All I know is that back at the store, Summer Vacation had started already. I was glad i was missing out for some reason though. Everyone hated me. I walked towards the fruit bar to get another smoothie,
"Strawberry ,again, Miss Rebecca?" asked the lady,
"Yes please," I reply.
I sit and slurp for another 5 minutes,
"Hey there, wanna go see a movie with us?" asks a brunette with gray eyes.
I guessed she was a Ruthie, she looked just like the Ruthie back at the AGP,
"Ummmmm, sure." I say, a bit uncertain.
I follow the girl into a dark room that's set up to look like a movie theater,
"I'm Ruthie, by the way," says the gray eyed girl,
"I'm Rebecca, but people call me Becki." I say,
"It's nice to meet you, are you new here," she asks,
"Umm, well, yeah. I used to be at the American Girl Place Chi...." I say before she cut me off,
"It's pretty cool but I think the factories better." I say, lying just a bit,
"Well, it's cool that you're here," she said
And that's how my first official day of Summer Vacation went.......

just Becki
not famous,not known.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Back to blog

Sorry for not blogging for so long. Lot's have happened but I can't explain it all. Julie won the talent show if you're wondering, she made a laughing stock out of me. She turned off my music then she made it chipmunk version. She also made my microphone not work which ment that I ended up singing like some old cat lady who was never able to sing. Summer break start on the last day of May which means that next month at this time, I will be relaxing,hopefully. My sisters also emailed me that they are still SLOWLY raising money. It feels as if it's going to take forever until I come home. I also stopped coming to the auditorium and started ditching school. I don't know why I should keep going when nothing is changing and Julie and Lanie keep bullyinh me. Ivy still hasn't talked to me and succeeded in turning everyone against me which left me a loner. Some kids started calling me an emo since I wear darker colors then I used to. They say I'm goth and don't belong with them. I think they're wrong. OH WHEN WILL SOMEONE TAKE ME AWAY!
~just Becki
not famous,not known